'Visit JunyTony YouTube Channel and Enjoy the most exciting songs and stories for children. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKeKanAZfSYH0nzP3UGd_hQ ▶Lyrics Bubble bubble pop! Bubble bubble pop! Let’s play with bubbles. Bubble bubble pop! Bubble bubble pop! Bubble bubble pop! Let’s play with bubbles. Bubble bubble pop! Let’s blow, let’s blow. Bubbles, bubbles. Many round round bubbles come out. Raise your bubble wand. Bubbles, bubbles. See the round bubbles flying high. Think of flying in the sky, Riding in a big bubble. Think of sailing the blue sea, Take a big bubble with me. Bubble bubble pop! Bubble bubble pop! Let’s play with bubbles. Bubble bubble pop! Let’s blow, let’s blow. Bubbles, bubbles. Many round round bubbles come out. Raise your bubble wand. Bubbles, bubbles. See the round bubbles flying high. Think of going into space, Riding in a big bubble. Come along with me. Let’s find a new treasure island. Bubble bubble pop! Bubble bubble pop! Let’s play with bubbles. Bubble bubble pop! Enjoy More Kids Songs and Stories by KizCastle! ▷Good Habits Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8S8eg0WRLmjQy9-5F9r3BwK ▷Nursery Rhymes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTtbrVbKJHc&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8Rw_lmXSt1NS-QrncT8jHOI ▷Animal Songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxb_3r_ETf4&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8Rrcvr7_uoq405leQzJSo1p ▷Occupation Songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsozYmaVMCk&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8S_cP3oeOA3fitpSKVyPdB3 ▷Phonics Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8R7dABS-T2V6XPmUpREerVr ▷Car Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8TadHh7_f-6Ul5ygkOFEakR ▷Princess Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8RyoRfxf8ISILyD2c-6HR3f ▷Dinosaur Songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ9y9ROsUVE&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8QOrKmUvLWGQt85egG8XfpA ▷Explore World Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJGUDWlzIL8SafUkfejuqxC8zgRKKc1Ci ▷Story Musical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMXFb0G1UO0&list=PLJGUDWlzIL8QGUkwag6yKfTw_Lt00nY6B Also, Enjoy Our Songs on Online Music Streaming Sites! Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/1470280964 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=juny+%26+tony&i=digital-music&ref=nb_sb_noss Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/744UcvhdY48X36jw65R2l0 #forKids #BubblePop #KizPop Copyright © 2018 KizCastle. All Rights Reserved.'
Tags: funny video , for kids , nursery rhymes , children songs , kids animation , stayhome , Cartoon for kids , songs , toddler songs , kids song , kids cartoon , preschool songs , kids music , #forkids , baby rhymes , cartoon for children , WithMe , kids video , song for kids , English songs for kids , kids pop , best kids song , kids songs video , kindergarten song , Mother Goose , JunyTony , juny tony , juny and tony , juny & tony , kizcastle , play with bubbles , bubble bubble pop , kiz pop , bubble show
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